Thursday, October 30, 2008

what are you going to be for halloween..

so this sort of has something to do with art, but halloween is tomorrow and Buck 65 never lets me down.  Go to his myspace and check out his new halloween song titled the same as this entry. UNICEF! UNICEF!
and if you like rap and johnny cash, you'll probably really like his albums.  Spoken word and country beats with that canadian edge.  can't beat it.  Plus he is mighty attractive ::wink::

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

don't cry for me

So anyone who knows me, knows I love cartoons, and comics, and weird humor, therefore I love the simpsons.  
 I found this comic online, that frans from a previous blog told me about helping with and I totally fell in love with it.
The drawing is a very cool unique style, the narrative is an awesome mix of wit and poignancy, and the characters are totally relatable, which makes it even more heart breaking.
I love to see people who are my age making terrific art like this.  It is a great piece and totally deserving of recognition.  So if you know the simpsons, (and like me, always say, "stupid sexy flanders.") check it out.  I hope there is more where this came from. look at short "don't cry for me i'm already dead"
P.S. anyone interested in doing some comics with me?  I am totally down for some collaborative stuff.  Let me know.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

organic rap song (the real deal)

I don't know what you guys think about the whole "organic" band wagon.  I mean i am a healthy girl, i believe in taking care of yourself and buying locally.  but I don't understand the people who are leading the way in organics that are bat shit crazy.  its almost like they are a farse of themselves.  
I went to visit my friend colin who is an amazing artist, great thinker, and strong in his beliefs but also really accepting.  (his work is at and was a member of zendik, beautiful idealist, etc.) so he knows about art and organic gardening.  but anyway his boss at the garden randomly came up to him and said "we have to reach the young people... make a rap video about being organic."
Colin of course rocked it, took a week and came up with a totally cool video. he and tom wrote it, did the costume, and everyone who works at the farm is in the video.  those poor garden variety hoes.  check it out on you tube and type in "organic rap song the real deal".  eh, art in any form i guess.

Monday, October 13, 2008

72 hour film fest

So i went to the 72 hour film festival this past weekend.  I went on friday night so i could see all of the movies.  It was pretty good... but really long, which it was last year too. (for those that don't know me i was in a movie last year.  i have never acted in my life and then forced to be the "star" of a film. Just youtube the horrible video "art is what you can get away with".)  
Here is a photo of us (me, tracey who makes awsome comics about fish mongering and we are thinking about getting a booth together at SPX next year if anyone else is interested too, and audrey who is one of the best fine art models around) at the film fest.
Anyway, making a movie is totally fun and really great for the town and the local artists and actors.  One of my favorite films actually had my friend clayton star in it. youtube "mirage 72 hour film fest".  I thought he did a great acting job, and it was pretty thoughtful in a serious but not too serious way.  That is the thing about the 72 hour film fest, I think it seems so long because a lot of the films are soooo serious and try to be so heavy and inappropriately violent.  The whimsical films are always the best.  My favorite from the whole fest, (i tried to find it online and maybe i will later) was one where a couple is sitting in the park fantasizing about their future and home together.  The crew made everything they describe out of cardboard in an ever changing scene behind them.  Very clever and simple and the perfect amount of effort to be impressive and not seemingly pretentious for a five minute film.  All in all a good show to everyone who participated.  Its worth catching every year.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I went to the small press expo yesterday.  Great work and very inspiring.  I would love to play around with that type of format if anyone has some writing for me.  Who knows maybe it'll be good practice for my own narrative within my work.  The printing made me drool too.  There was more color and fun, humor and beauty there, then i have seen in any museum.  My friend, who had great work there frans, on, described it perfectly as door number 3.  Who wouldn't love that.  Though i did notice this year, among all the witty dialogue and nostalgia, there were a ton of fart, poop, and mustache comics... must be a trend.
I picked up one and the guy in the booth said, "its all girls farting", and it was.  worth the dollar.  I got some good stuff though, and it is funny to me, it seemed the guys gave me a ton of free stuff because i am a girl.  Stared at ben blankly when he was right behind me.  Doesn't make sense to me since so many of they guys were so dreamy.

this is a lame doodle i did at work a long time ago.

Favorites:, really funny stuff, smart words and art., funny in a childish, uber relatable way., creepier than you would think, thoughtful, really beautiful and dark, more optimistic than you would think.

p.s. didn't see her at SPX, but if you like witty relatable comic strips, check out dina kelberman at  some of my favorite to send, very clean stylistically, cleaner than i could ever do.