Friday, March 11, 2011

Everyone can be Ryan Mulligan

I went to Ryan Mulligan's solo show at semantics this weekend and was impressed with the amount of work he produced for this show. There were two rooms of small paintings and drawings and a large Wall mural. I know his process is pretty quick, but I love the direction his work is going. It seems to be taking a more abstract turn from his last show I attended at the Westin last year. That show was much more about drawing/depicting real objects in a false space. This work seems much more about abstraction, movement, and design. I'm happy to seem him take a turn towards more expressive and less illustrative work. I am excited to see where he takes these forms and colors in the next few years. Objects of his drawings maybe?
One thing though, his color palette is very similar to someone else I know. He constantly tells this person he hates their color palette. Wonder who that could be.
By the way, since Ryan was in New York all weekend there were name tags all over the place with his name on them, and andy was taking pictures of everyone as ryan mulligan. The name tags were a great take away to bockfest going on downtown. Ryan you should be thanking us for all the free advertising, especially all over the women's bathroom at Neon's Bar. ::wink:: you're welcome.

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